Automation and Special Software

We are fully aware that there is no single solution that meets the requirements of all companies, but we can work with you to develop special systems that suit your needs.

In Xper, we offer the advantage of developing special cloud management systems for companies and factories in order to automate and manage business The development process goes through several stages:

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At the request of the client, we study the requests and discuss them in depth with the relevant authorities within the client company.

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We make prototypes that simulate the customer’s requirements and the procedures to be implemented within the company or facility and present them to the customer and the relevant authorities within the company

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After the customer’s approval, we determine the cost and time required to implement the project

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The development process begins with programming and audit testing, then the application or platform is delivered to the customer in stages, and the cycle continues until the application or platform is completely delivered to the customer

Contact us , consulting is free , your always welcomed